Terms and Conditions

By continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. Please read them carefully to understand your rights and responsibilities.

Dorays Terms & Conditions

  • dorayslis Agreement

    The Terms of Use are explained below, and they apply to all users and subscribers of dorayslis web-based application. Familiarizing with the terms and conditions will help you understand and establish your rights and duties as a subscriber. We understand that you wish to secure your data and personal records and respect your privacy and security. To ensure it is protected, we have leveraged the most advanced data security technology. However, please note that to implement maximized security, you must protect your password and change it frequently. The Terms and Conditions between you and Dorays Technologies Pvt. Ltd. set in motion the general terms and conditions governing the Dorayslis website and application usage. By visiting our website, you agree to conform to this Agreement's terms of use.

    The Agreement applies to you whether you are -

    1.2 The terms' We,' 'us,' 'our,' 'the site,' 'the company,' and Dorayslis used in this Agreement refer to Dorays Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and its website/application. The terms 'you,' 'user,' or 'subscriber' refer to the website or application user.

    1.3 Dorayslis is a web-based application that contains health and diagnostics-related information about individuals submitted by healthcare providers, hospitals, lab and diagnostic centers, and clinics.

    1.4 a) Accounts refers to the file and data of a company disclosing an individual's health and diagnostic data, which can be accessed, upgraded, edited, stored, and used only by the subscriber.

    b) Subscriber or User refers to the individual/ company who executes or enters into this Agreement with Dorays Technologies Pvt. Ltd. to store, protect, and maintain health-related data in the Account that can be accessed at Dorayslis wen-based application, or who accept this Terms and Conditions.

    1.5 The Dorayslis application is for health care providers and lab & diagnostic center access only.

    1.6 Users agree to use the Site solely in accordance with the terms and conditions mentioned in this Agreement, which can be edited, updated, or upgraded from time to time without prior notice.

  • Site Content and General Information

    2.1 Dorays Technologies Pvt. Ltd. permits users the right to access, view, and use the Site, its content, and application, subject to the terms and conditions mentioned in this Agreement. The company reserves all rights to add new features to the web application, remove current features, modify existing content without prior notice.

    2.2 The content on the Site and in the User account, including images, text, links, chat, reports, results, graphics, data obtained from patients and hospitals, and other materials, is for information and medical purpose only.

    2.3 The information provided on the website is not comprehensive; it does not provide any medical treatment, diagnosis, reports, or treatment advice. It also does not cover physical, mental, diseases, or ailments. Advice from healthcare providers should be obtained.

    2.4 Users will have to provide basic information in order to Register and Access the Dorayslis application. This shall include First Name, Last Name, Contact Details, Email Address, and Mailing Address. We will be generating your credentials for accessing Dorayslis features. They will be only available to Subscribers. The subscriber is asked to keep the credentials safe to avoid misuse.

    2.5 Dorayslis shall use the registered information to share information about updates, new services, or/ and answer your queries via text message, email, or phone call. We may also provide you with information about services that may or may not relate to you. You may anytime opt from our services by contacting our tele-agent.

  • Subscriber's Access and Use of Dorayslis

    3.1 Depending upon the subscription package agreed between you and us, Access and Use of Dorayslis wen-based applications are available on a pre-paid basis for a month or year.

    • 3.1.1 The registration fee to use the Site is provided in the Pricing section of the Dorayslis website. Users may purchase DorayLab Services on the website in accordance with the package type – Starter, Basic, and Standard.
    • 3.1.2 In case of a Yearly Subscription, the subscriber shall be entitled to access and use the application for an initial period of one year from the date of registration based on the signing contract. The period will be applicable, provided the subscriber and its Account conform to the binding terms and conditions of this Agreement.
    • 3.1.3 Dorayslis agreement will not automatically renew for the subsequent year. We would offer a 15-day grace period, and the renewal will be counted from the beginning of the grace period.
    • 3.1.4 By registering on dorayslis.com, you automatically authorize us to charge your credit card, debit card, net banking or any other mode of payment selected to pay the subscription fee. The subscription fee will be deducted on the first day mentioned in the signing contract.

    3.2 You are entitled to enter, upload, modify, and store information in documents, prescriptions, images, and records submitted by healthcare providers, patients, and other departments, to Dorayslis secure, personal, and unique Account created for you. We will electronically store your data on a third-party cloud-based server.

    3.3 The subscriber's entered information in the Account is encrypted and then communicated through Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption software. However, we do not guarantee that the SSL encryption cannot be breached. Nevertheless, the information will be protected from theft and misuse during transmission, and the subscriber's account access will be uninterrupted.

    3.4 Subscribers must protect their accounts from unwarranted access to usernames and passwords by any third party. You must control the dissemination and use of the account details and its data. You must promptly inform Dorayslis of any need to change or deactivate the Subscriber Account.

    3.5 We shall not be held responsible for any information submitted to the User Account or any data misused by the subscriber, healthcare providers, third parties associated with the subscriber, and members of the subscriber's company.

    3.6 The subscriber grants all rights to access, transmit, monitor, secure, store, retrieve, use and maintain data in the subscriber account to Dorays Technologies Pvt. Ltd. its officers, staff, employees, directors, agents, developers, and other persons involved in the operation and development of the Dorayslis web application in order to deliver better services, maintain the website, secure vulnerable data, and convert documents received on the Subscriber account into digital format.

    3.7 The subscriber understands, consents, and agrees to a) to store, enter, and maintain health information of different patients on the Dorayslis application complying with the terms of use of this Agreement b) that anyone who has access to Subscriber Username and Password can access, edit, change and delete information from the Account.

    3.8 Dorayslis shall not be held responsible for the quality of images, X-rays, and other medical data reproduced or archived on the website/application for medical interventions.

    3.9 Subscriber or the User who enters data into the Subscriber Account will be solely responsible for the accuracy of the information. Therefore, the subscriber must review documents and information uploaded into the Account and notify promptly if the error is detected.

    3.10 You are strictly prohibited from using bots, spiders, scrapers, and other automated technology to access the website for any purpose without our written approval from us, except for Standard for Robot Exclusion (SRE) compliant robots.

  • Subscriber Responsibility

    4.1 You shall agree to the following terms:

    • To maintain and secure all hardware required to run Dorayslis Web Application.
    • To maintain and protect Usernames, Passwords, and Confidential information relating to the Subscriber's Dorayslis Account.
    • To be responsible for the charges resulting from accessing the Account.
    • To promptly notify Dorayslis support center about any potential account breach.
    • To comply with the instructions and guidance regarding the installation, integration, and configuration of Dorayslis and its user account.
    • Ensure the Site or the application is not exposed to malware, computer viruses, Trojan horses, and other potential internet attacks.
    • To acknowledge and comply with Dorayslis privacy policy.

    4.2 You and the third parties to whom you have shared the Dorayslis Account Details will be responsible for the communication within the Site and app. Therefore, you must not do any of the following:

    • Use, enter, and transmit information that is derogatory and defamatory.
    • Transmit any content, text, program, or image that is indecent, pornographic, and obscene; violate the rights of others, such as trade secrets, copyrights, confidential information, service secrets, etc.
    • Use Dorayslis to threaten, extort, harass, abuse, and stalk others; and violate individuals' legal rights.
    • Attempt to decode or decode the files or private messages not intended for the subscriber.
    • Use our brand name, Site, or application to sell goods and advertise products and services to other subscribers.
    • Upload and download information that contains viruses, worms, corrupted data, and other code that contaminate intellectual properties or affect the availability of its resources to others.
    • Falsely or fraudulently claim to be an employee or agent of Dorays Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
    • Use the Application or Website in a manner that adversely affects the peace of others.
    • Dorayslis reserves all rights to take action against wrongful doings by a subscriber, particularly in cases where the Site is used to share harmful, disgraceful, and hateful statements.

    4.3 By using the Site and its content, you warrant that you are of legal age to enter into this Agreement and use Dorayslis Site in accordance with the Terms of use.

    4.4 You agree to be financially responsible for using Dorayslis and take financial responsibility for others who use the Account, including minors, your family members, and people living with you.

  • Termination of the Terms of Use

    5.1 The Agreement is effective from the date the subscriber registers with Dorayslis.

    5.2 The subscriber shall be entitled to use their account and access premium features for a month to a year, based on the subscribed plan.

    5.3 The Monthly or Annual Subscription commences after completing the free trial period.

    5.4 Either party may terminate the User's right to access their Account or the website under this Agreement at any given time by providing written notice to the second party no later than 30 days before the end of the Subscription Term.

    5.5 Dorayslis reserves all rights to terminate this Agreement or suspend an Account in its sole discretion in the event of a Subscribe violates any of the Privacy Policies or/and the Terms of Use, including lack of payment for using the Account or Site. Prior to termination, Dorayslis will notify in writing.

    5.6 Upon termination, Dorays Technologies Pvt. Ltd. will retain the Subscriber Account information and access data in conformance to the Dorays Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Standard Data Retention policy for 30 days. After the retention period, the Subscriber Account shall be deleted upon the information.

  • Privacy Policy

    Dorays Technologies Pvt. Ltd. values the privacy and security of our Subscribers and considers it to be a high priority. To go through the detailed information generation and distribution report, please go through Dorays Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Privacy Policy.

  • Website Operations

    7.1 Dorays Technologies Pvt. Ltd. has the exclusive right and control over the operations of the Dorayslis website. Therefore, at our sole discretion, we can do the following things without notice a) delete or withhold account data/health records/image of a Subscriber Account if the subscriber fails to meet the payment plan; b) make available de-identified subscriber information to third parties by conforming to its Privacy Policy; and c) discontinue, modify, upgrade, or suspend any functionality or feature of the Dorayslis web application.

    7.2 We shall control and maintain all technological systems and procedures to eliminate unauthorized access to data during electronic transmission.

    7.3 Dorayslis shall not disclose, edit, use, or process Subscriber Account information except for the precise and secure management and administration and carry out legal responsibilities.

    7.4 Users are urged to apply discretion when browsing the Dorayslis website. Subscribers must understand and acknowledge that Dorayslis may advertise links to third-party sites. If subscribers pursue such links and are redirected to a third-party website, they will officially leave the Dorayslis Site. In such situations, subscribers cannot hold Dorays Technologies Pvt. Ltd. accountable for any false and misleading information on the third-party webpage.

    7.5 Dorayslis does not control, endorse, or operate any information, services, and products provided by the third-party Site linked to the Dorayslis website.

    7.6 The inclusion of any link on the Dorayslis website does not imply promoting the linked Site's information, products, and services. The links are provided for the User's reference only.

    7.7 By clicking on the Link, the subscriber shall officially leave Dorayslis website and be at their own risk and subject to the Terms of Use of the linked Site.

    7.8 Dorayslis does not and will not review communication and information posted on the website for accuracy and will not be held responsible for the same.

  • Copyright and Infringement

    8.1 Images, graphs, photographs, reports, sounds, data, audio, video, and other content and their compilation and design on the website are the exclusive property of Dorays Technologies Pvt. Ltd., its developers, licensors, and content developers. Therefore, the content is protected by the Indian Copyright Laws.

    8.2 All information is the exclusive property of Dorayslis, with the exception being to the information entering or uploading into an individual user's Subscriber Account.

    8.3 Dorayslis has non-exclusive possession of the data entered or uploaded into a Subscriber's Account according to the Terms of Use of this Agreement or agreed otherwise in writing. All the information shall be terminated or disposed of invariably upon the termination of this Agreement unless otherwise stated in writing or destruction is not possible. In such a case, the right of possession shall be exclusively limited to possession purpose only.

    8.4 Information listed and updated on Dorayslis Site shall not be reproduced, transmitted, published, broadcasted, or sold to anyone unless it includes a copyright notice from Dorayslis. Subscribers can reformat, display, print, or share the information listed on Dorayslis for personal use only.

    8.5 The Dorayslis website is a trademark of Dorayslis Software and is protected by law. Therefore, any unauthorized access shall be considered a violation of the trademarks law, resulting in heavy penalties.

    7.6 The inclusion of any link on the Dorayslis website does not imply promoting the linked Site's information, products, and services. The links are provided for the User's reference only.

  • Indemnification

    You agree to defend, protect, and release Dorayslis and its officers, employees, developers, affiliates, suppliers, directors, and information providers harmless against or from any losses or damages to individual or properties, death or injury, claims, liabilities, action cause like copyright, trademark, or intellectual property rights infringement, or any fee incurred by Dorayslis or its affiliates with regards to court cost in defense of Dorayslis (claims). You shall also agree that indemnity shall apply to despite the claims arising in part or whole by the alleged sole, or you, or any person accessing or using the website or your Account.

  • Waiver and Liability Limitation

    10.1 You understand and agree that you cannot hold Dorays Technologies Pvt. Ltd., its software, officers, directors, staff, agents, affiliates, suppliers, information providers, and individuals related to or working for them for your activities Account or incident related to this Agreement. You also release or waive any claims that you may have against Dorayslis software application and its developers, employees, designers, content creators, and affiliates for any damage or loss incurred in connection with your use of the Dorayslis Web Application – with exception to losses or damages not exceeding the fees paid during a calendar year paid by the subscriber for particular service or information provided.

    10.2 All other direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages shall be excluded even if Dorayslis and its officers, directors, employees, and agents were aware of their potential.

  • Disclaimer

    The Dorayslis website is available without any implied or expressed warranty, including but not limited to Warranties of Merchantability, Title, Infringement, Accuracy, Reliability, Completeness, Usefulness, Adequacy or Fitness.

    Dorayslis doesn't provide a warranty against damage, mechanical or human error, omissions, interruptions, inability to data access, and downtime. We do not guarantee that the services and functions of the Dorayslis Web Application will be error-free, defective, and uninterrupted.

    Dorayslis Software Application does not or will not verify the accuracy or truth of information provided by healthcare providers, doctors, clinics, and organizations entered by you. The information entered by you or anyone authorized to use your Subscriber Account into the Dorayslis application will be considered whole and accurate by us. You and the healthcare providers shall be solely accountable for the information and content uploaded and entered into the Dorayslis system and responsible for identifying and correcting any errors in the stored information.

    You and users of your Dorayslis Account shall take responsibility for implementing the right process and methods to satisfy their requirements for data accuracy, both input and output and follow a systematized process to recover lost data external to Dorayslis Software Application.

    You understand and agree that the data and information communicated to and from Dorayslis Site is transferred through the local internet exchange through routers, cables, switches, and other devices. It is maintained by third-party internet service providers and local and long-distance carriers. Since all of this is not controlled by Dorays Technologies Pvt. Ltd., the company will not assume any liability for the delay, interruption, interception, or corruption of data or information communicated to and from Dorayslis Site.

    Dorayslis does not guarantee that the files or media downloaded from the Site are free of trojan, viruses, and other vulnerabilities.

  • Cancellation and Refund Policy

    Dorayslis will not refund the subscription amount after 7 days from payment. However, suppose the return is sent to the company within seven days, and the consumer hasn't consumed the purchased service. In that case, a full refund will be initiated from Dorayslis to the original payment account. The refund amount shall be processed within 15 days from the cancellation date.